As of August, 8th, my small, hometown, Appleton WI., will be hosting a  4 day music fest with over 100 artists/bands and more than 30 venues.  It is a HUGE undertaking and I am anticipating that it will create the same energy, band romances, and inspiration that the original SXSW did for me.  Yep.  I was there.  Waaaaay back when.  I was much cooler then … but nowhere near as good.  heh. 


that’s me waaaaay back when – Coconut Teaser, I think?

Back before anyone knew SouthXSouthWest, my band, Crazy Cat George, took a trip to Austin, TX to be a part of the new fangled SXSW expo.  We went because we all needed to get out of LA for a few days and because Jody had a connection to a house on a river in New Bramfels, TX and because I knew a guy that moved from LA to Austin and he was playing with his band The Sharecroppers. 

It was one of those accidental decisions that turned out to be life changing and really got our fires burning for the possibilities that were outside of our LA fishbowl and for other great music we had never heard of before.  In fact, it gave us inspiration and made us ready to make an impact. It’s where we met our most influential music industry contact.  It helped us get on our feet and record our 1st album.  It got us out and touring to support our album.  It gave us the courage to work with other bands and musicians to make everyone’s music take root.

Now-a-days, I can barely stand the crazy crowds at SXSW but I am entirely grateful for the fantastic festival.  For the opportunities it offers independent artists, music lovers, movie makers, techies and fun people worldwide.  It is worth the thousands of people that descend on the city of Austin and turn my little world upside down, for so many reasons, but mainly because music, singing, dancing and making rockin’ memories are the best things in my life.  I can’t wait to be a part of this new music festival in my hometown.  I think it’s awesome and takes great courage and huge cajones.  Cory Chisel is my new music hero.  I hope I get to see him when I’m home.  Shoot!  I hope he gets to see ME!!!

Doug Pegg mandolin

This is me now with my awesome boyfriend/mandolin player ~ Doug Pegg.

The area around Appleton, WI / the Fox Cities is gorgeous and full of fun, smart and WONDERFUL people.  I am confident that this will be the 1st of a long, fantastic series of summer music for Central Wisconsin. 

I’m ready for it.  Bring it on, Mile of Music!!!!



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